Why you should never make new years resolutions

 I was a chronic new year’s resolution maker…like no other!  I would start in early December and write down all the resolutions to be a better person, do better, eat healthier, lose weight….you know, the resolutions that we’ve all wrote down and excitedly jumped into action to reach.  I’m not sure about you, but it would literally take me less than ten days to forget about each one while I reverted to my old ways.  Sound familiar?

Considering that I am constantly preaching about the importance of setting and meeting goals, you may be surprised to know that I stopped making new year’s resolutions years ago….Perhaps it was my way of revolting against the very process that only brought me stress and anxiety 0R perhaps it’s the fact that I’m getting older and some may say “wiser” (this is still in question 😊), but I no longer feel the need to make resolutions to be a better person when in it’s very essence, goes against everything that I believe to be true.  

Here’s the thing:   No one is ending the year as a bad version of themselves….there is no such thing as a bad/old/damaged version of yourself.  There is one version and one version only.  Yes, you may have had the worst year ever and you are racing into the new one with a vengeance (and I wouldn’t blame you one bit), but the one-of-a-kind version of you needs to know that you did your very best with everything that you lived and loved through in 2023.  

You survived everything good and bad this year, so celebrate the heck out of you! Don’t end the year with making promises to be better….You are already amazing!!  Give the one and only version some grace, forgiveness, love, and a humongous hug.  Take some time to look back on 2023 and make a list of all its greatness.  Even if you have to dig, you will find all the things that put a smile on your face….even the darkest years have some glimmer of light. 

As you end 2023 and begin 2024, scrap the resolutions and just promise to be kind and loving to yourself.   That’s a great start to a beautiful year!

Happy new year!! 

Carrie XO


Year End Review


The art of slowing down