The art of slowing down

Have you ever tried to convince yourself that life will slow down after this week OR after this big event OR after Christmas OR fall/winter/spring/summer? Then, when it’s all over, something else comes up and you start convincing yourself all over again. It’s a vicious cycle when you don’t recognize what’s going on and how to stop it.

It took me FOREVER and a life-threatening illness for me to figure it all out. A simple solution yet so difficult to do because it requires major change and commitment…and change is terrifying and a heck of a lot of work!

There’s only one way to stop it…and its all in your hands, so the next time you feel overwhelmed, remember:

  • Put yourself first. No job is ever more important than your well-being.

  • Your mind and body will tell you when it’s time to slow down, stop and rest. Listen to them! They will always have your back and will never lead you astray.

  • You will need to say NO to things…and the world will not come to an end, I promise! In fact, it starts feeling really good to say NO.

  • Communicate with your people that you’re in slow down/stop mode. When they know, they will slow down with you and support your time. And if they don't, than are they really your people?

  • Don’t ever feel guilty for slowing down/stopping. Its only selfish when you don’t take care of yourself. Put your health and wellness first.

  • Do something that will refuel and heal you. Stay in bed, put your phone away, go to your favorite place, reach out to that person that makes you feel good…whatever it is, do it for you!

I am by far not perfect at this whole balance thing…trust me! When life becomes a whirlwind, I often find myself falling back into the rut that took me years to climb out of. The difference from the old Carrie versus the new Carrie is that I now recognize when it’s happening and I do all of the above to ensure that I never fall back there again… because back there is a very dark place and I’ve done a lot of work so I can live in the sunshine :)

Take care of YOU!!!


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