Freedom from what others think


“The greatest thing you can give yourself is the freedom from what others think”- Abraham Hicks

The level of freedom you feel when you release others opinions of you and start living life on your terms is pretty damn powerful! We’re all guilty of worrying too much about what other people think of us….and if you’re anything like me, you have spent WAY too much time processing and over-analyzing things you’ve said or done, worrying about what other people think of you, hoping that you didn’t upset others and creating every reason in your own head why people should have an opinion about you. Sound familiar??

Here’s the thing….

People are entitled to their opinion, just like you are. What people think of you does not make you who you are, and it doesn’t determine your worth unless you let it.

Here are the three simple things that have helped me get over my fear of what others think:

  1. Allow them to have an opinion and who the hell cares what it is! For real!

  2. Don’t lose yourself. Be you ALWAYS!! (and remember, YOU isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s totally okay and super normal).

  3. Surround yourself with people who believe in you! A tribe who will always have your back, loves you for who you truly are and wants to see you succeed!

Once I released myself from the chains of actually caring what others think of me, I felt so free!

I promise you that for everyone person that has an opinion about you, there are hundreds of people cheering you on!! I encourage you to test my theory and release it all! BE YOU MY FRIEND and feel the freedom!

Carrie XO


The Art of Conscious Listening


Every Day Leadership